
Red Team & Adversary Simulation

An adversary-centric view of your organisation

We think like an attacker to help you defend better

A Red Team exercise involves a team of experts emulating a targeted cyberattack against your organisation. Depending on your threat model, this could encompass discovering and exploiting digital vulnerabilities, social engineering of staff to gain a foothold, or even physical access. Carapace will work with you to decide on objectives for the exercise that measure the protection of your most important systems and directly address your organisation’s specific security concerns.

If you want to keep the focus narrow and assess the security of a specific part of your environment, Carapace also offers an Adversary Simulation service. This follows the same objective-driven methodology as a full-scope Red Team, but keeps the focus on a limited subset of your organisation. Carapace can also deliver “Purple Team” testing, where we work with your security team to emulate specific attacker TTPs within your environment and evaluate the effectiveness of your detections.

It’s important to recognise that Red Team and Adversary Simulation exercises are focused on determining whether an adversary could achieve predetermined objectives and if the client’s detection and response capabilities are adequate, rather than coverage of vulnerabilities. If your goal is broad coverage of your organisation’s attack surface, or you’ve not had much prior security testing, Carapace recommends performing Internal and External penetration tests before Red Teaming.