
External Network Penetration Testing

Secure your perimeter, protect your business

Find and close gaps in your network boundary

External network penetration testing is one of the outermost layers of defence against potential cyber threats that an organisation might face. It is a proactive approach that aims to provide a comprehensive view of the organisation’s public-facing network, and to identify any vulnerabilities that might be present.

This type of testing is designed to give our clients a clear understanding of the risk level associated with the hosts and services that they are exposing to the internet. This allows them to identify potential entry points for attackers and take measures to secure them.

To achieve maximum coverage, a combination of automated and manual testing techniques are used. Automated testing involves the use of specialised tools that can quickly scan large numbers of hosts to identify common vulnerabilities. Manual testing, on the other hand, involves more in-depth analysis of potential vulnerabilities that may not be easily identified by automated tools. By using a combination of these techniques, we can offer a more complete picture of the security risks associated with our clients’ public-facing networks.